Science - Walking Heart

Walking Hearts

Walking Hearts are stones created by geological processes within the irradiated zones of Hifuna. They usually develop to about the size of a fist and are pure black. Within the blackness, specific other colors radiate. These different colors tell what type of stone it is and what kinds of power it will likely grant the wearer if someone replaces their heart with it.

Forway banned their usage due to the fatalities and corruption of one’s character that often occurs. Legally speaking, the lack of pulse also implies a certain death status. Their souls haven’t died yet, so they can’t be marked as soul dead and their rights as citizens removed. Lawmakers were not keen on the idea, though, and they classified people using any Buhraies or Walking Heart technology that causes soul corruption to be undead and be treated the same as soul dead.

Walking Hearts Benefits & Risks

  • Strength (Red)

    Easy to gain strength and build up muscle at the cost of agility and the development of anger issues, to the point of going, berserker.

  • Stamina (Yellow)

    Able to run further and faster. Able to fight for more extended periods and increased efficiency of using Soul Energy, but at the cost of dexterity, and the development of anxiety and jealousy issues, which can further develop into becoming a hoarder.

  • Intelligence (Blue)

    Increased memory and intellectual processing that can extend into becoming a great strategist, but at the cost of strength, agility, dexterity, and stamina. And if that’s not enough, there is a risk of growing emotionless and completely detached.

  • Dexterity (Green)

    Fine motion control becomes more effortless, including being able to become fully stealthy, but at the cost of stamina, and the development of depression, as well as social withdrawal symptoms.

  • Agility (Purple)

    Increased healing, reflection time, and controlling the sense of time, but at the cost of strength and the development of a constant fear of everything and every one, this fear can terrorize the person to their core.