Law & Treaties

Freeish Paulin (621 A.G. - 648 A.G.)

“History will eventually repeat itself because humans are stupidly greedy and shortsighted, but we will delay the inevitable by establishing a common playground for everyone.”

Bijura Moacir (614 A.G. - 696 A.G.)

“If there are balls to be made, no wars will be created. It’s that fucking simple!”

The Forway Law

The core law governing how guards and leaders within all Forway territories must interact, arrest and punish miscreants.


  • Any proven hurt (physical, economic, and mental) that a kingdom citizen receives without their consent.

  • All accused are innocent until proven guilty by the respective authority.

  • Punishments are segregated into three different types:

    • Minor punishment for acts and items that can be replaced or recovered to their original state within five years of contract servitude.

    • Major punishment for acts and items that are irreparable, irreplaceable, irrecoverable, or more expensive than five years of contract servitude.

    • Grand punishment for conspiracy against Forway and The Prosperity Treaty.


  • Written acknowledgment through the contract or verbal declaration with multiple people acting as witnesses.


  • It must be of equal or similar value.

    • A theft of an item must account for sentimental value if the original item can’t be returned to the victim.

    • A bodily harm can be repaid with equal bodily harm to the miscreant or a comparable compensation to the victim paid by the miscreant.

  • Punishment is determined by the local embassy leaders, village elders, or Forway guard captains.

    • Kingdom rulers are allowed to override this law within their territories.

  • Temporary detention of kingdom citizens is allowed at most for six weeks, with one of these requirements being met.

    • Given with preliminary proof.

    • The miscreant is considered a risk of escaping punishment.

  • For the gravest crimes, a criminal can be exiled to Hifuna if approved by at least four authorities.

  • If consent is not reached in local courts, Forway leaders will decide the outcome of a given punishment at the next Prosperity Treaty Section #7 meetings.

Gandew Common Duel Rights & Law

Created and iterated upon by the vanguard Gandew Kings to formalize trial by combat due to constant spats between two parties evolving into public brawls. Historians believe the first iterations of this law were created as far back as 375 A.G.


  • Gandew duels must occur on the Low, Medium, or High Pits with at least ten other witnesses.


  • The two participating duelers must state the reason for their duel and what they will lose or win.

  • For marriage duels, a “win” is establishing a lifelong bond, and “loss” is determining they aren’t meant for each other.

  • The witnesses decide who will be the attacker and the defender for the first turn.

    • Suppose one of the duelers intends to defend his honor, wife, etc. Then he shall have priority in starting the first turn in the defensive.

  • For marriage duels, the female partner must be the initial attacker.

  • The duel can only start once all witnesses agree with the duelers’ statements. 

  • The Duelers will stand Ten Adi apart in the center of the chosen pit.


  • A chosen witness will perform a check on both the attacker and the defender. They must smell the entire body and taste the junction of the Darfaries veins located at the base between the middle and ring fingers.

  • The standard practice is to stand with your feet apart and your arms to the side while the witness does the check. The duelers cannot interfere with the check, or it will result in an immediate loss.

  • If any mind or body altering is in effect, they must be revealed, and both the duelers and the witnesses must agree to continue with the duel.

  • Fleeing or asking to postpone the duel is considered an automatic loss and punishable by death at the hands of the witnesses.


  • Each dueler will have a turn to take action. The dueler designated as the attacker will begin the duel by moving from his position toward the defendant in any manner they so choose, as long as only physical weapons are used.

  • Defenders cannot move from their position and must withstand the brunt of the attack but can counter or attack back if they do not move from their location.

  • A turn only encompasses ONE attack, such as a single weapon swing, a stab, or a first punch.

  • The duelers switch roles (attacker vs. defender) on every turn.

  • No healing shall be done in between rounds.

Loser vs. Winner

  • A ‘winner’ is decided by the last dueler alive and breathing. The winner must resuscitate the loser, while the loser must abide by the terms laid out in the Pre-duel.

  • If the loser refuses to abide by this law, the witnesses must execute the loser and give the body to the winner to do as they please. This includes being able to purge the loser through the Goodbye Cliff.

King-Fest Addendum

  • It must be decided through Gandew Duel, with only natural-born Darfaries being able to participate.

  • The current KKing shall be healed between duels, but he is not responsible for healing any Darfaries who decide to stand up to the King during the festival.

  • If a given Darfaries is able to kill the King, then he must rip out both tusks from the dead King to finalize the transition of power.

The Prosperity Treaty (Prosperity Law)

This foundational treaty was introduced in 680 A.G. when Freeish Paulin, alongside three brave courtroom scientists from Gandew (Asa The Powerful), Tolerideme (Adrian from North Tolerideme) & Sanbi (Bijura Moacir) Kingdoms overthrew their respective kingdoms to stop what is now known as The Greed Period. The law itself was inherited from Sanbi Kingdom’s laws at the time and modified accordingly to accommodate the creation of a new administrative entity that would become the interface between all kingdoms to increase trading, stabilize relationships, and share resources to combat external and internal threats.

Section #1

  • Sub 1) A kingdom citizen is recognized by their badge crafted at a Four Kingdom Embassy.

  • Sub 2) Freeish Kingdom, and citizens of this newfound kingdom must be accepted as equal by Sanbi, Tolerideme, and Gandew Kingdoms. This kingdom will govern the area where Ganyrami once existed.

Section #2

  • Sub 1) All kingdoms’ citizens have free passage throughout all kingdoms/cities.

  • Sub 2) Adventurers will be a Forway designated job, practiced through the embassies with the purpose of establishing a decentralized military.

  • Sub 3) No adventurer may carry out judgment unless authorized by a Forway guard or a kingdom representative.

Section #3

  • Sub 1) Bartering is forbidden between treaty parties, and haggling is permitted if the business owner allows doing so.

  • Sub 2) All services and goods must be exchanged through Ball's currency.

  • Sub 3) The accepted calendar shall be the Vraki Calendar across all kingdoms.

  • Sub 4) The accepted UOM for transactions shall be the Vraki OUM across all kingdoms.

Section #4

  • Sub 1) Contracts between two parties reign supreme if said contract has near equal value for the two parties signing it. Exclusions apply to adventurers when Forway officials declare an emergency.

  • Sub 2) A contract is deemed legal if it contains the blood signature of both parties, which can be verified at any moment with a badge, and the termination signature section in the back has not voided it.

  • Sub 3) Slavery is prohibited, but selling one’s freedom through a contract in exchange for something of similar value is permitted.

  • Sub 4) Determination of contract abuse, including if one or multiple parties are unwilling to terminate the contract, shall be made by the local kingdom court or Forway law if outside a given kingdom’s jurisdiction.

  • Sub 5) Forceful breach of contract by either parties or a third party, including Forway or any other kingdom, is a crime.

Section #5

  • Sub 1) Forway shall own all territory outside a Kingdom’s sphere of influence in perpetuity and determine what classifies as a village or city.

  • Sub 2) All Forway cities must have an Embassy and follow the Forway Law. Controlled cities must pay a 20% tax, and villages must pay 15% on all the wealth they generate. Forway will be required to send a battalion and reclaim control of a city or village and institute a new set of leadership if debt to Forway reaches 50% of its estimated GDP.

  • Sub 3) All Kingdom’s rulings are within the discretion of their rulers and their set of laws. Within each kingdom, a Forway embassy must be allowed to be built, operated, and maintained under a piece of land controlled by Forway’s jurisdiction. All kingdoms must pay a 10% tax on all the wealth they generate.

  • Sub 4) All embassies have the right to issue emergency calls throughout their managed region to summon adventurers to comply with the emergency orders. If given authority by the local kingdom, Forway can also summon kingdom guards to cooperate with Forway guards.

Section #6

  • Sub 1) All cities and Kingdoms are prohibited from mass producing an item for trading if it does not have a comparative advantage over a given good in its economic region. Violation is subjected to forfeiture and hefty fines as a percentage of a given kingdom's earnings.

  • Sub 2) Comparative advantage is granted by Forway through an application process and must be renewed every five years. Kingdoms with comparative advantage must adhere to the ceiling price and minimum quotas stipulated on the grant.

Section #7

  • Sub 1) Every year during Paulin, a gathering will be held at the Forway Palace with each king and city representative to discuss Economic & Populace Health alongside Threats. Any disagreement must be resolved before the meeting is finished.

Section #8

  • Sub 1) Personal involvement in plotting against any of these sections or Forway itself means hefty punishments, extending up to expulsion to Hifuna once proven guilty in accordance with The Forway Law.

Section #9 (Added on 705 A.G.)

  • Sub 1) Essential goods to the four kingdoms' safety, commonwealth, and stability will be managed by Forway to reduce costs and improve trading. Subsidies shall be funded with taxpayer money.