Feb 2023 Update! Book 2 Beta
I finished book II second draft at 53k words, and I moved it to Beta! As a bonus, I attached a sneak peek at Sanbi's city map.
Also, I tweaked Book I eBook to $1.99! Book 2 eBook will launch at $2.99 when that comes around!
Deo :)
Revised Book Publishing Schedule:
Draft 1 ~6 Months - Decompression from storyline docs, rearrange subchapters, black&white drafts.
Draft 2 ~4 Months - Plot cross-checks between subs, pacing, and update storyline docs based on discovery writing. Confirm all black&white drafts for the coloring stage.
Beta ~ 1 Month - A small group of friends reads Draft 2 and answers a form.
Draft 3 ~ 2 Months - Specific details cross-check (eye color, bg items, etc.) line-edit, final tweaks based on Beta. Cross-check with color illustrations.
Line-Edit ~ 1 Month - Line-Edit being done by a third party.
Publishing ~ 2 Months - Generate eBook, printed book, and store listings also by a third party.